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Online Notices System

Asia Commercial Holdings Ltd
12/07/2007 Announcement of the Annual Result for The Year Ended 31ST March 2007
05/07/2007 Change of Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong
20/04/2007 Change of Company Secretary, Qualified Accountant and Authorized Representative
29/03/2007 Capital Reorganisation Involving Reduction of Share Capital and Authorised Share Capital Increase and Adoption of New Bye-laws Results of the Special General Meeting
05/03/2007 Special General Meeting Notice
12/02/2007 Proposed Capital Reorganisation Involving Reduction of Share Capital and Authorised Share Capital Increase Proposed Adoption of New Bye-Laws
12/01/2007 Appointment Of Director
15/12/2006 Interim Results For The Six Months Ended 30TH September, 2006
14/12/2006 Close Of The Offers In Relation To The Mandatory Unconditional Cash Offers By BNP Paribas Capital (Asia Pacific) Limited On Behalf Of Century Hero International Limited To Acquire All The Outstanding Share Options Of Asia Commercial Holdings Limited Not Already Owned By Century Hero International Li
11/12/2006 Change of Authorised Representative and Company Secretary


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